Nurul Ikhsan, Rahmat (2022) WEB-BASED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM MAPPING OF UTY STUDENT BOARDING PLACE. Tugas Akhir thesis, University of Technology Yogyakarta.

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ABSTRACT A boarding house is a room for rent that is used for temporary residence for Yogyakarta Technological University students. Yogyakarta Technological University students still have difficulty finding information about the distribution of boarding houses around UTY due to limited knowledge. The information needed such as the name of the boarding house, price, facilities, sub-district and boarding category whether the boarding house is a male boarding house or a female boarding house is very important for UTY students. To find out the distribution of boarding houses, it is necessary to have a GIS (Geographical Information System) application. In this study, the system was built using Leaflet.js as a library of javascript used to display maps using access tokens and Quantum GIS for polygon creation to assist users in finding boarding information mapping in the form of polygons and choropleth maps. The result of this research is the formation of a Web Gis-based application where the application can be used to input, manage and convey information to UTY students related to the distribution of boarding houses around the Yogyakarta Technological University. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the system can display many locations of boarding houses that were initially unknown to students due to lack of information. Keywords: Geographic Information System, Leaflet, Mapping.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi, Tugas Akhir or Kerja Praktek) (Tugas Akhir)
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi > S1 Informatika
Depositing User: Kaprodi S1 Informatika UTY
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2022 02:23
Last Modified: 14 Oct 2022 02:23
URI: http://eprints.uty.ac.id/id/eprint/10782

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