Andri, Roy (2019) IMPLEMENTASI METODE NAÏVE BAYES CLASSIFIER UNTUK PRAKIRAAN CUACA. Tugas Akhir thesis, University of Technology Yogyakarta.

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Weather is the air condition in a place in a relatively short time, which is expressed by the value of parameters such as wind speed, temperature, pressure, rainfall, and other atmospheric phenomena as the main components. The course of human activities can be affected by weather conditions, such as the fields of transportation, agriculture, plantations, building fields or even sports. Therefore, determining the weather to get weather information needs to be made so that it can be utilized by the community. The construction of an automatic classification system can be built using the Naive Bayes method based on the analysis of weather data to determine whether the weather is rainy or not rainy. The Naïve Bayes method works by calculating opportunities from one class from each group of attributes that exist and determining which class is the most optimal. it means grouping can be done based on the categories that users enter in the software. In determining the probability value in this case there are two types of attributes, namely continuous and discrete. Weather prediction is implemented to make it easier for people or users to predict future weather. Keywords: Naïve Bayes, Data Mining, Weather

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi, Tugas Akhir or Kerja Praktek) (Tugas Akhir)
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi > S1 Informatika
Depositing User: Kaprodi S1 Informatika UTY
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2019 04:18
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2019 04:18

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