Kajian Tingkat Akurasi Model Simulasi Hujan-Limpasan Daerah Aliran Sungai Opak Study on the Accuracy Level of the Opak River Basin Simulation Model of Rainfall-Runoff

Fahmi, Mohamad Iqbal and Utomo, Puji (2020) Kajian Tingkat Akurasi Model Simulasi Hujan-Limpasan Daerah Aliran Sungai Opak Study on the Accuracy Level of the Opak River Basin Simulation Model of Rainfall-Runoff. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_tugasakhir" not defined] thesis, University Technology Yogyakarta.

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Abstrak Pengalihragaman hujan ke aliran merupakan rekayasa suatu proses yang merubah data hujan menjadi debit. Dalam suatu DAS terdapat stasiun penakar curah hujan, akan tetapi hal tersebut tidak untuk stasiun pencatat debit, sehingga diperlukan suatu permodelan yang merubah dari data hujan ke data debit. Metode-metode tersebut adalah Metode FJ. Mock dan NRECA, dimana kedua metode tersebut adalah yang dianjurkan menurut Standar Perencanaan Irigasi KP-01 tahun 2010. Dibandingkan dengan FJ. Mock, Metode NRECA memiliki hasil yang lebih baik dengan hasil kalibrasi yaitu untuk data debit peramalan dengan hasil perhitungan simulasi alih ragam hujan menjadi debit Metode FJ. Mock dan NRECA menghasilkan nilai debit berbeda, yaitu untuk FJ. Mock nilai peramalan debit maksimal = 18,84 m3/det, nilai peramalan debit minimal = 6,55 m3/det, untuk NRECA nilai peramalan debit maksimal = 14,15 m3/det dan nilai peramalan debit minimal = 2,00 m3/det. Koefisien Nash-Satcliffe Efficiency (NSE) sebesar 0,67, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) sebesar 2,24, Koefisien Korelasi sebesar 0,61. Sedangkan metode Nreca Koefisien Nash-Satcliffe Efficiency (NSE) sebesar 0,54, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) sebesar 2,47, Koefisien Determinasi sebesar 0,26. Kata Kunci: FJ Mock, Nreca, Debit. Abstract Rain flow diversion is an engineering process that converts rain data into discharge. In a watershed, there is a rainfall measurement station, but this is not a discharge recording station so that a modeling is needed that changes from rainfall data to discharge data. These methods are called the FJ Mock Method and NRECA. The two methods are recommended according to the 2010 KP-01 Irrigation Planning Standard. Compared to FJ. Mock, the NRECA method has better results with the calibration results, namely for the forecasting discharge data with the simulation results of the conversion of rain variety to the FJ method. Mock and NRECA produced different discharge values, namely for FJ. Mock maximum debit forecasting value = 18.84 m3 / s, minimum discharge forecasting value = 6.55 m3 / s, for NRECA maximum discharge forecasting value = 14.15 m3 / s and minimum discharge forecasting value = 2.00 m3 / s. The Nash-Satcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient was 0.67, the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) was 2.24, the Correlation Coefficient was 0.61. While the Nash-Satcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient NRECA method was 0.54, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) was 2.47, the Determination Coefficient was 0.26. Keywords: FJ Mock, NRECA, Debit

Item Type: Thesis (["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_tugasakhir" not defined])
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > S1 Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Kaprodi S1 Teknik Sipil UTY
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2020 07:19
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2020 07:19
URI: http://eprints.uty.ac.id/id/eprint/5951

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