Amal, Muhammad ikhlasul and Meytasari, Cinthyaningtyas (2022) PERANCANGAN ISLAMIC CENTER DI PROVINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA DENGAN PENDEKATAN ARSITEKTUR EKOLOGIS. Tugas Akhir thesis, University of Technology Yogyakarta.
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ABSTRAK-5170911184-MUHAMMAD IKHLASUL AMAL.pdf Download (93kB) |
Seiring berkembangnya zaman dan teknologi maka semakin besar efek globalisasi memengaruhi pola pikir masyarakat, mengakibatkan turunnya nilai moral , masuk ke pergaulan yang salah , meningkatnya angka kriminalitas dari anak di bawah umur di Indonesia , mulai menurunnya nilai sosial dari masyrakat , terus bertambahnya tingkat penipuan dimana – mana baik di dunia maya maupun nyata, dimana permasalahan ini turut di pengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi yang membuat masyarakat sedikit demi sedikit mulai mengubah pola pikirnya dan mulai mengabaikan agama . Oleh karna untuk menjawab permasalahan yang mulai mengakar di pola pikir masyarakat ini adalah perencanaan Islamic Center yang berbasis pendidikan dan pengelolaan dengan menerapkan konsep pendekatan ekologis agar tercipta bangunan ramah lingkungan, Islamic Center akan bergerak sebagai pusat syiar agama di tingkat provinsi yang akan mengorganisir keseluruhan syiar dan dakwah, untuk menjawab issue bahwa Provinsi Daerah Isitmewa Yogyakarta belum memiliki Islamic Center setingkat provinsi , Islamic Center terletak di provinsi DIY , Kecamatan Wates , Kota Wates Kabupaten Kulon Progo , di karnakan tersedianya sarana transportasi internasional , sehingga di harapkan cakupan Islamic center ini bisa sampai mencakup bahkan di luar wilayah DIY. Along with the development of the times and technology, the greater the effects of globalization on people's mindsets, resulting in a decrease in moral values, entering into wrong associations, increasing crime rates from minors in Indonesia, starting to decline in social values from society, continuing to increase the level of fraud were - which is both in the virtual world and in the real world. These problems are also influenced by technological developments that make people, little by little, begin to change their mindset and begin to ignore religion. Therefore, to answer the problems that are starting to take root in this community's mindset is planning an Islamic Center based on education and management by applying the concept of an ecological approach to create an environmentally friendly building. The Islamic Center will move as a center for religious symbols at the provincial level, which will organize the entire Syiar and da'wah to answer the issue that the Province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta does not yet have an Islamic Center at the provincial level. The Islamic Center is located in the province of DIY, Wates District, Wates City, Kulon Progo Regency, due to the availability of international transportation facilities, so it is hoped that the coverage of this Islamic center can cover even outside the DIY territory.
Item Type: | Thesis (Skripsi, Tugas Akhir or Kerja Praktek) (Tugas Akhir) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Arsitektur Ekologis , Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta , Islamic Center, Ecological Architecture, Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Islamic Center |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > S1 Arsitekur |
Depositing User: | Kaprodi S1 Arsitektur UTY |
Date Deposited: | 20 Oct 2022 06:49 |
Last Modified: | 20 Oct 2022 06:49 |
URI: | |
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