Andrean Kristanto, Hendrikus and Setiafindari, Widya (2022) ANALISIS PENERAPAN TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE DENGAN METODE OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS DAN SIX BIG LOSES DI CV RENJANA OFFSET. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_tugasakhir" not defined] thesis, University of Technology Yogyakarta.
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ANALISIS PENERAPAN TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE DENGAN METODE OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS DAN SIX BIG LOSES DI CV RENJANA OFFSET Hendrikus Andrean Kristanto 11, Widya Setiafindari 22 , Teknik Industri, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta Jl. Glagahsari No. 63, D.I. Yogyakarta 55164, Indonesia ABSTRAK CV Renjana Offset merupakan sebuah lini usaha yang bergerak dalam sektor bisnis percetakan dengan menggunakan offset printing method. Secara keseluruhan pesanan yang telah didapat CV Renjana Offset yaitu buku sehingga mesin cetak SM 74 ini menjadi mesin utama dan sangat diandalkan. Biarpun mesin SpeedMaster 74 telah di berlakukan reparasi perbulan nya, akan tetapi SpeedMaster 74 masih menghadapi breakdown saat jam kerja dan Downtime akan terjadi. Selama kurun waktu bulan Oktober 2021 s/d Maret 2022, tercatat telah terjadi sepuluh kali Breakdown dengan total waktu 19,5 jam Downtime. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu tentang efektivitas kinerja SpeedMaster 74. Overall Equipment Effectiveness merupakan pendekatan dalam pengukuran kinerja dan efektivitas mesin yang digunakan. Selanjutnya, untuk mencari penyebab kurangnya efektif akan digunakan perhitungan Six Big Losses, yang berguna untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling dominan. Kedua pendekatan ini merupakan alat pengukur dalam keberhasilan diterapkan nya Total Productive Maintenance. Overall Equipment Effectiveness mesin SpeedMaster 74 bulan Oktober 2021 – Maret 2022 memiliki rerata 84,66%. Dengan Nilai tersebut < standar world class OEE yaitu 85%. Losses terbesar adalah Set Up dan Adjustment Losses yaitu sebesar 36,68% dan Reduced Speed Losses yaitu sebesar 35,24%. Kata kunci: Breakdown, Downntime, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Total Productive Maintenance, Six Big Losses ANALYSIS OF TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE IMPLEMENTATION WITH OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS AND SIX BIG LOSSES METHODS IN CV RENJANA OFFSET ABSTRACT CV Renjana Offset is a line of business using offset printing in the printing business sector. Overall, the company received boos orders, so the SM 74 printing machine became the leading and most reliable machine. Even though the Speedmaster 74 engine has been repaired monthly, the Speedmaster 74 still faces a breakdown during working hours, and downtime will occur. From October 2021 to March 2022, there have been ten breakdowns with 19.5 hours of downtime. This study aims to find out about the effectiveness of the performance of Speedmaster 74. Overall, Equipment Effectiveness is an approach to measuring the performance and effectiveness of the machine used. Furthermore, to find the cause of the lack of effectiveness, the calculation of Six Big Losses will be used, which helps know the most dominant factor. Both of these approaches are measuring tools for the success of implementing Total Productive Maintenance. Overall Equipment Effectiveness of Speedmaster 74 machines in October 2021 – March 2022 has an average of 84.66%. This value < the OEE world-class standard, which is 85%. The biggest losses are Set Up and Adjustment Losses, 36.68%, and Reduced Speed Losses, 35.24%. Keywords: Breakdown, Downtime, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Total Productive Maintenance, Six Big Losses DAFTAR PUSTAKA [1] Indriawanti V and Bernik M 2020 Analisis Penerapan Total Productive Maintanance (TPM) dengan Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) pada Mesin Printing J. Tek. Ind. 10 42–52 [2] Prabowo H A, Suprapto Y B and Farida F 2018 the Evaluation of Eight Pillars Total Productive Maintenance (Tpm) Implementation and Their Impact on Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) and Waste Sinergi 22 13 [3] Ahmad N, Hossen J and Ali S M 2018 Improvement of overall equipment efficiency of ring frame through total productive maintenance: a textile case Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 94 239–56 [4] Anthony M B 2019 Analisis Penerapan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Menggunakan Overall Equipment Efectiveness (OEE) Dan Six Big Losses Pada Mesin Cold Leveller PT. KPS JATI UNIK J. Ilm. Tek. dan Manaj. Ind. 2 94 [5] Saipudin Sahril 2019 Analisis Perhitungan Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( Oee ) Untuk Peningkatkan Nilai Efektivitas Mesin Oven Line 7 Pada PT . UPA [6] Damos C R 2018 Analisis Efektivitas Mesin Pulverizer Pada PLTU Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) [7] Díaz-Reza J R, García-Alcaraz J L and Martínez-Loya V 2019 Impact Analysis of Total Productive Maintenance [8] Siregar M T and Abdullah A 2017 Evaluasi Kinerja Kegiatan Perawatan Mesin Injection Mold Menggunakan Metode Total Productive Maintenance (Tpm) Pada Pt Ichikoh Indonesia Tek. Eng. Sains J. 1 131 [9] Felecia and Limantoro D 2013 Total Productive Maintenance di PT. X J. Titra 1 13–20 [10] Pujotomo D and Septiawan H 2012 Analisis Total Productive Maintenance Pada Line 8/Carbonated Soft Drink Pt Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Central Java J. Tek. Ind. Univ. Diponegoro 2 23–36
Item Type: | Thesis (["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_tugasakhir" not defined]) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > S1 Teknik Industri |
Depositing User: | Kaprodi S1 Teknik Industri UTY |
Date Deposited: | 01 Dec 2022 08:25 |
Last Modified: | 01 Dec 2022 08:25 |
URI: | |
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