Nasrulloh, Vaiq and putri, Nanda Melyadi (2019) EVALUASI KELAYAKAN BENDUNG (Studi Kasus: Bendung Tegal Sungai Opak Kabupaten Bantul) EVALUATION OF BENDUNG FEASIBILITY (Case Study: Tegal River Opak Dam Bantul Regency). Tugas Akhir thesis, University Technology Yogyakarta.
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ABSTRAK Aliran Sungai Opak pada Tahun 1997 dibangun bendung yang bernama Bendung Tegal yang berada tepat di hilir Bendung Canden sejauh 5 km. Sejak dibangunnya Bendung Tegal, bendung tersebut telah mengalami kerusakan fisik akibat bencana alam dan mengalami penurunan fungsi bendung. Fungsi bendung sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik bendung. Bermula dari hal tersebut penelitian ini membahas mengenai evaluasi kelayakan Bendung Tegal di Sungai Opak untuk mengetahui kelayakan pada bendung tersebut berdasarkan kondisi fisik dan fungsi bendung saat ini. Identifikasi dan analisis tingkat kerusakan untuk mendapatkan data kondisi fisik dan fungsi bendung. Perhitungan pengaruh kerusakan fisik terhadap fungsi bagian-bagian bendung dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai pengaruh. Persamaan regresi linier banyak variabel untuk prediksi pengaruh kondisi fisik terhadap fungsi. Menurut Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor 03/PRT/M/2015, kriteria kelayakan prasarana bendung adalah layak apabila nilai kondisi prasarana di atas 60 atau sama dengan 60. Prasarana bendung tidak layak apabila nilai kondisi di bawah 60. Hasil penilaian tingkat kerusakan fisik dan fungsi bendung terdapat tiga bagian yang mengalami kerusakan fisik dan fungsi terbesar, yaitu pada kolam olak 70% dengan penurunan fungsi 74% dan pada sayap hilir 80% dengan penurunan fungsi 90%, serta rumah bendung 38% dengan penurunan fungsi 100%. Hasil perhitungan pengaruh kerusakan fisik dan fungsi didapatkan tiga nilai terbesar,yaitu sayap hilir 72%, kolam olak 51,8% dan rumah bendung 38%. Persamaan untuk Prediksi pengaruh kondisi fisik terhadap fungsi berdasarkan metode regresi linier banyak variabel diperoleh rumus persamaan y=(-5,34543)+(0,6531.x_1)+(0,14659.x_2). Hasil dari evaluasi kelayakan bendung adalah kondisi prasarana secara keseluruhan memiliki nilai 63,8875%, maka kondisi prasarana Bendung Tegal tergolong kondisi Layak. Kata kunci: Bendung, kelayakan, prasarana, regresi ABSTRACT The Opak River in 1997 was built by a dam called Tegal Dam which is located right downstream from the Canden Dam as far as 5 km. Since the construction of Tegal Dam, the weir has suffered physical damage due to natural disasters and decreased dam function. The weir function is strongly influenced by the physical condition of the weir. Starting from this, this study discusses the feasibility of evaluating the Tegal Dam in Opak River to determine the feasibility of the weir based on the current physical condition and function of the weir. Identification and analysis of damage levels are needed to obtain data on physical conditions and functions of weirs. Calculation of the effect of physical damage on the functions of the weir parts is done to obtain the value of influence. Linear regression equations are many variables for predicting the effect of physical conditions on functions. According to Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 03 / PRT / M / 2015, the feasibility criteria for dam infrastructure are feasible if the infrastructure condition value is above 60 or equal to 60. Dam infrastructure is not feasible if the condition value is below 60. The results of the assessment of the level of physical damage and function of the weir are there are three parts that experience physical damage and the greatest function, namely at the 70% olak pond with a function decline of 74% and 80% downstream with 90% function decline, and 38% weir house with reduced function 100%. The results of the calculation of the effect of physical damage and function obtained the three largest values, namely downstream wings 72%, olak ponds 51.8% and weir houses 38%. Equations for Predictions of the effect of physical conditions on functions based on multiple linear regression methods obtained by the equation formula y = (- 5.34543) + (0.6531.x_1) + (0.14659.x_2). The results of the dam feasibility evaluation are that the condition of the infrastructure as a whole has a value of 63.8875%, so the condition of the infrastructure of Tegal Dam is classified as a Decent condition. Keywords: Weir, feasibility, infrastructure, regression DAFTAR PUSTAKA Aisha Cahya, Wulansari., Yohanes Gylberd, Paringhan., Hari Nugroho, Sriyana., 2018. Analisis Kinerja dan Peningkatan Fungsi Bendung Guntur Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah, Tugas Akhir, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. Bambang Triatmodjo, 2002, Metode Numerik, Beta Offset, Yogyakarta. M. 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Item Type: | Thesis (Skripsi, Tugas Akhir or Kerja Praktek) (Tugas Akhir) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > S1 Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | Kaprodi S1 Teknik Sipil UTY |
Date Deposited: | 30 Jul 2019 07:22 |
Last Modified: | 30 Jul 2019 07:22 |
URI: | |
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