febriyanto, Dedy and Bhaskara, Adwitya (2020) PENENTUAN RISIKO KONTRAKTOR DENGAN METODE THRESHOLD RISK DAN AHP (ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS) (StudiKasus: Proyek Pembangunan UnderpassSimpangKentungan Yogyakarta) DETERMINATION OF CONTRACTOR RISK USING THRESHOLD RISK AND AHP (ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS) METHODS (Case Study: Jogja Underpass Development Project). Tugas Akhir thesis, University Technology Yogyakarta.
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ABSTRAK Padasetiapproyekpembangunanselaluterdapatfaktorrisiko, baik internal maupuneksternal yang mempengaruhikinerjaproyekdansasaranproyektersebut. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmemperolehfaktorrisikodominan yang paling mempengaruhikontraktorpadaproyek Pembangunan Underpass SimpangKentungan Yogyakarta, menggunakanMetode Threshold Risk dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Metode AHP dipilihkarena data yang dianalisisdalampenelitianinimerupakan data tidakterdistribusisecara normal, sertadigunakanuntukmelihatfaktorrisiko yang paling besar. Data primer penelitiandiperolehdenganmelakukan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkan, bahwafaktorrisikodominan yang mempengaruhikinerjaproyekterdiridari 14 variabelfaktorrisikodengankategoririsikotinggi. Variabelfaktorrisikotersebutadalah, resikoperalatan 0,099 (9,9%), resikoteknis 0,094 (9,9%), resikodesain 0,088 (8,8%), resikomanajemen 0,082 (8,2%), resikokonstruksi 0,080 (8%), resikotenagakerja 0,074 (7,4%), resikoalamdanlingkungan 0,071 (7,1%), resiko material 0,070 (7%), risikokeuangan/finansial 0,070 (7%), risikopolitikekonomidansosial 0,063 (6,3%), risikopelaksanaan 0,063 (6,3%), risikoproyek 0,059 (5,9%), risikolokasiproyek 0,051 (5,1%), risiko K3 0,037 (3,7%).Dari keseluruhanhasilanalisispadapenelitianinidiperolehkesimpulan, bahwafaktorrisiko paling berpengaruhterhadapkinerjaproyekadalahrisikomanajemen, dan risiko paling besardalam proses pembangunanadalahrisikopengukuranlapanganuntukmenentukanposisi, titik, garis, danketinggiantidaksesuaidengangambardenganbobot 0,34683, denganinifaktorrisikoteknismenjadiprioritas. Kata kunci:Manajemenrisiko, Resikokontraktor, Threshold Risk, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). ABSTRACT In every development project, there are always risk factors, both internal and external that affects the work of the projects and the project targets. This study aims to obtain the dominant risk factors that most influence contractors in the Underpass Development Project at the Kentungan Crossroad, using the Threshold Risk and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method. The AHP method was chosen because the data analyzed in this study were data that were not normally distributed, and were used to see the greatest risk factor. Primary research data were obtained by conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of the study show that the dominant risk factors that affect project performance consist of 14 variable factors with high category. The risk factors variables are equipment risk 0.099 (9.9%), risk engineering 0.094 (9.9%), risk design 0.088 (8.8%), risk management 0.082 (8.2%), risk reconstruction 0.080 (8%), risk management 0.074 (7.4%), natural and environmental risk 0.071 (7.1%), material risk 0.070 (7%), financial risk 0.070 (7%), social economic and political risk 0.063 (6.3%), implementation risk 0.063 (6.3%) ), project risk 0.059 (5.9%), project risk allocation 0.051 (5.1%), and OHS risk 0.037 (3.7%) From the overall results of the analysis it can be concluded that, that the most influential risk factor for project performance is management, and the greatest risk in the development process is the risk of field measurements to determine positions, points, lines, and heights that do not match the figure with a weight of 0.34683, and therefore technical risk factors are a priority. Keywords: Risk Management, Contractor Risk, Threshold Risk, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).
Item Type: | Thesis (Skripsi, Tugas Akhir or Kerja Praktek) (Tugas Akhir) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > S1 Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | Kaprodi S1 Teknik Sipil UTY |
Date Deposited: | 13 Oct 2020 04:14 |
Last Modified: | 13 Oct 2020 04:14 |
URI: | http://eprints.uty.ac.id/id/eprint/5804 |
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